Landlords Gas Safety Certificates

Our Goal is to Establish and Maintain Strong Working Relationships with Landlords and Property Managers, Providing them with Peace of Mind Knowing that the Maintenance of Their Properties’ Gas Boilers are in Capable Hands

  • Gas Safe Registered
  • Peace of Mind
  • Hands-Off Service for the Landlord

We currently maintain residential properties throughout Leeds and surrounding areas for several landlords. We aim to build and maintain good working relationships with landlords and property managers, giving them peace of mind that the upkeep of their properties is in safe hands.

Our landlords know that they can trust us to manage and carry out all the various property maintenance required on their properties throughout the year. From general plumbing and heating system work to kitchen and bathroom installations, we can do it all. So if you are a landlord and require more information on what we can do for you and your property, give us a call today.

We can cater for all your plumbing, heating and gas needs for your properties, including gas safety inspections and landlord certificates. Through our inspections, we can provide you with peace of mind that your property is both safe and legal.

The services we offer to landlords include:

Boiler upgrades and maintenance
General plumbing and heating
Property maintenance
Fireplace and cooker installations
Installation of new kitchens
The supply and fitting of kitchen applicances
Installation of new bathrooms

Are you due a renewal of your gas safety certificates?

We can provide you with a comprehensive heating service and gas safety certification.

We are fully accredited to carry out the necessary service and inspection of all gas products. The gas safety certificate is backed up by our Gas Safe registration.

Are you a landlord with property in the Leeds area?

If you are a landlord in Leeds and you are letting properties to people, we know Gas safety certificates are very important and it is your responsibility to ensure all the gas appliances at your properties are checked and are fully certified by a qualified Gas Safe engineer, to which we are fully qualified and more than able to do.